Land and property management: Andf presents the results of the government reforms

The National Estate and Land Agency (Andf), building on the government’s land and tenure reforms, is making qualitative leaps and has achieved admirable results. Last Friday, March 16, the director of this agency, during a press conference, took stock of said reforms.The assessment of the National Agency of Domain and Land (Andf) in 2017 and its prospects for 2018 were at the heart of the lively press conference, Friday, March 16 in Cotonou, Jules VictorienKougblénou, director of Andf. “Andfis working to put in place service delivery tools for secure, well-managed land that is used for economic development and social progress,” he says. In this, the agency makes a point of honor on the accountability, from where the exercise of last Friday which will be periodic. Filesinherited from the former domain management and stamp registration, the Andfprocessed 7142 all transactions such as registrations and confirmations of land rights. She also received at its counters from 1 June 2017 to 20 February 2018, a total of 4788 files and treated 3229.

Moreover, continues the director of Andf, the implementation of the project “Modernity and security land at Benin “has allowed the development of a computer system ensuring the implementation of the activities of the agency, the start and continuation of the operation of digitization of existing land titles (approximately 45,000) since April 2017, as well as the deployment of software for the management of all land data. Numerous land and technical land registration operations were also carried out, still inthe same spirit, but also and above all by making use of the best world references in the field, informs Jules Victorien Kougblénou.

The speaker also pronounced on files of expropriation and management of the domain of the State. With regard to the Maria-Gletacase, he explained that in the context of the construction of a 120 MW thermal power plant, a 20-hectare site has been identified in this locality. At this level, “the process of expropriation for public purpose of the domain has evolved with the compensation of 395 people for an estimated 2.6 billion FCFA,” he says. Only the judicial phase remains to close the process,hesays. Referring to the site for the Glo-Djigbéairport, the process of expropriation of the domain is at the payment stage. “The relocation site is also available and can soon accommodate the work,” he says.

After these achievements made in such a short time, Andfhas in perspective the continuation of the digitization of the land archives and the development of the national land information system, the gradual realization of the national cadastre with the coverage of thirty communes in 2018. , the reinforcement of its personnel, the continuation of the popularization of the Land Code and many other actions whose aim is to achieve a management without a hitch of the land and thus a maximum security in the matter.

Already, for more efficiency and better performance, Jules Victorien Kougblénouhas endowed several central managers and vehicle structures. In the coming weeks, motorcycles will be made available to other agents.