Security and management

Securing and managing databases in support of secure documents (editions, uniqueness, recordings, controls, etc.), accessibility and sharing settings, tracking and database crossing, multi-media, outsourcing, etc.


Our experts study the needs and produce the specifications by anticipating possible developments so that the initial technical choices are as relevant and sustainable as possible.
To succeed in the project, our expert consultants support right through to the final deployment solutions by providing training to users in order to secure change management and hand over all development sources to the client.

. Audits and technical recommendations
. Functional and development specifications
. Integration of standard software solutions
. Digitalization of activities with adapted processes
. Intranet, extranet, internet, API, field tools…
. Web GIS, ERP, SSO, Big Data, Blockchain, Open Data…
. Electronic document management, OCR, archiving…
. Info architecture, cybersecurity, data center, outsourcing…